Cozy Corners

It all started when…

We understood that the real unmet need was feeling less alone.

Depending on your comfort level we have a tremendous amount of community and safe space for you to sink your teeth into, and realise that what you’re going through is not uncommon.


If you are looking to find our communities on facebook simply search ‘S.A.F.E by Femade’ and a number of groups will be available to you. SAFE stands for Supportive, Accessible, Free, Encouraging.

S.A.F.E Menopause by Femade

S.A.F.E Invisible Illness by Femade

S.A.F.E Pelvic Pain by Femade

S.A.F.E Endometriosis by Femade

S.A.F.E Fertility Journey by Femade

Want something a little more private?


Discord is an instant messaging and VoIP social platform. Users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers". And within those servers are chat groups called ‘channels’. The app was initially designed for gamers, but the unique ability of the app allows members to invent a creative profile, and find discussion topics that are relevent to their needs. Of late, discord has been used widely to access information on many topics.

We created a Discord Server called Femade’s Cozy Corner with many channels that pertain to mental health, motherhood, fertility and reproduction, chronic pain and illness, and so much more. We even have a Painsomnia channel for those who find themselves awake in the middle of the night.

Download the app, and find us today!

Virtual Support Groups

Our support groups are open to the public, are completely free, and can be booked by clicking on the images below.

Group Counselling - NEW

Our Psychotherapist, Jay Rao, is ramping up to host two new group counselling workshops beginning in January. You can click here to learn more.