The neck and upper back are large transit areas for nerves to send messages from the brain down to the body, or the body up to the brain. We have to be extremely careful treating upper back pain, as the spine is an imperative component of movement throughout the whole body. The problem we are addressing may be structural (ie, pulled muscle, a pinched nerve) or it may be stress. Regardless, treatment can happen in and around the problem areas to provide more movement, more circulation and activation of the area so that we can reduce pain and inflammation.

Sometimes the pain is felt in the origin of the issue. Sometimes the origin is along the same structural path but not at the site of the pain. And sometimes we just carry our stress in our backs. Each of our practitioners, through their own manual process, can determine where we need to focus on the body to treat your upper back pain.

At Femade, we OFFER UPPER BACK PAIN TREATMENT FOR THE physical and psychological SYMPTOMS of upper back pain through acupuncture, physiotherapy and massage therapy.

Upper back pain treatment Ottawa

Acupuncture For Upper Back Pain

When stress is the major player rather than a functional issue, acupuncture can target certain areas in the body that can help alleviate the root of the stress itself. In turn, the tension pain from stress is noticeably reduced. For functional issues such as muscle or nerve derived pain, we can place needles in the location where the pain is originating from; not in the locations that pain is felt per se.

Treatment for upper back pain Ottawa

Physiotherapy for upper back pain

Physiotherapy is ideal for achieving range of motion and movement without fearful sensations of pain. When presenting with a neck or back pain problem, we need to identify what your body's current range of motion and strength is in order to take very gradual steps forward. your physiotherapist can help you discover how to feel safe and in control during movement.

Massage Therapy for Upper Back Pain

Massage therapy focuses on loosening and stretching. More specifically massage therapy can be helpful for headache relief, (migraine headaches, cervicogenic headaches and tension headaches). For migraine headaches we can be helpful in decreasing severity and frequency of migraines but may not be able to have them go away entirely. For cervicogenic headaches we can often eliminate them entirely. Tension headaches are often resolved in a single session. While these nuances and the massage therapy mechanisms behind them are not entirely understood, we do know there is a nervous system component to the tension headaches. If we can get the nervous system to calm down we can be successful.