Lupus is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease with effects on multiple organ systems. There are four main types of Lupus: Neonatal Lupus, Discoid Lupus (DLE), Drug-induced Lupus (DIL), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - the most common type of Lupus. General signs and symptoms include fever, fatigue and weight loss. Medical attention should be sought when the skin, musculoskeletal and pulmonary systems become affected.

In addition to the symptoms presented in patients with Lupus there may be overlapping symptoms from many other diseases that tend to have a high comorbidity with Lupus such headaches, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease.

At Femade, we support the symptoms that pose as the most debilitating, and then can gradually address other symptoms that arise through treatment.

Acupuncture for lupus Ottawa

Acupuncture for lupus

Our intake process is the most valuable stage in treating patients with Lupus. Like a layer of an onion we can address the symptoms that are affecting day to day living. Patients who suffer from headaches, sleep disturbances, body pains, and anxiety would often benefit from acupuncture. Acupuncture would also be key in addressing any comorbidities or more rare symptoms of Lupus that could be corrected using techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Massage for lupus Ottawa

Massage therapy for lupus

Likewise to Acupuncture, patients who suffer from headaches, sleep disturbances, body pains, and anxiety would often benefit from massage therapy. Therapeutic touch has also been known to reduce feelings of anxiety and improve symptoms of depression, giving a greater sense of being. A massage therapy treatment aimed specifically at stress reduction and relaxation can help our nervous system shift from sympathetic state (fight or flight) to parasympathetic state (rest and digest) and help with quality of sleep and mental state.

Naturopathic Doctor for lupus Ottawa

lifestyle changes for lupus

The literature shows that patients with Lupus have found significant reduction in symptoms with the use of dietary changes, supplements and acupuncture. Omega-3 proves to be very valuable for cardiovascular issues. From both a nutrition and lifestyle standpoint we can address symptoms and triggers of lupus through nutrients.

Psychotherapy for lupus Ottawa

Psychotherapy for lupus

Lupus is becoming more understood but it can be very isolating. Psychotherapy can be used to better address the triggers in your life that bring on these symptoms. Therapy can be done in a more formal setting such as with our psychotherapist, or in a more informal setting with our Mental Health Support Worker who is completely unbiased. We also offer community based therapy to immerse yourself with similar people.

Not sure where to start?

If you’re not sure where to start, consider a health consult with our clinical director and founder. We can take it from there.