The lower back is the junction between the upper and lower body, where nerves extend into the legs, and interact with the pelvic floor. It can hold a lot of weight and tension, which makes it a convenient place for us to keep our stress. On one hand, the sensations we feel in this area may originate right in the hips and lower back. However, since this area receives tremendous signals from the brain, and connects to a variety of different systems it can be hard to discern the origin of the pain. Working with an experienced practitioner is the best way to find the root cause of your lower back pain to treat & manage it effectively.

At Femade, we OFFER Lower BACK PAIN TREATMENT FOR THE physical and psychological SYMPTOMS of upper back pain through acupuncture, physiotherapy and massage therapy.

Lower back pain treatment Ottawa

Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain

When stress is at the root of the problem, acupuncture can target certain areas in the body that can help alleviate the root of the stress itself. For functional issues we can place needles in the location where the pain is originating from. When patients seek acupuncture for lower back pain we often see that the root is a digestion issue, which when treated, we often see the patient experiences relief in their lower back.

Lower back pain management Ottawa

Physiotherapy and pelvic floor physiotherapy for lower back pain

There is a close connection between the pelvic floor, low back, and hips - understanding how your pelvic muscles are operating may be the key to unpacking the origin of some of your pain. For non-pelvic floor related issues we need to determine your body's current range of motion and strength to move forward. A physiotherapist can help you discover how to feel safe and in control during movement.

Massage therapy for lower back pain

Massage therapy focuses on loosening, stretching. Pain in the lower back is often complex and the source can sometimes be elusive. It could be originating in the lower back, the hips, the legs, or even the abdomen. It can be postural, injury or stress related, brought on by unfamiliar movement/exercise, or a combination of these things unique to the individual. This means we have many avenues to explore in terms of treating lower back pain. Regardless of the cause, many people find massage therapy extremely helpful for managing, or resolving their pain in a natural way. Treatments will be re-evaluated and updated as necessary but if we've explored several avenues of treatment without significant relief, or there has been a recent severe injury we would recommend checking in with a medical doctor for a spinal health analysis.