Carrier Screening in Ontario

Carrier screening is a genetic test usually performed on both the sperm and egg provider. The goal is to understand if they are at a high risk of having a child with a genetic condition. Carrier screening is usually performed before pregnancy, but can be performed during pregnancy as well. Most people who have a baby born with a genetic condition have no history of that condition in themselves or their family. Carrier screening is a way to detect these types of conditions so you can be prepared, or take steps to prevent them if you wish. A genetic counsellor can help walk you through your results and discuss next steps, as results can be complicated. 

Want to learn more?

Book a Discovery Session with Meaghan, Genetic Counselor, and see if carrier screening is right for you.

How to get started

If you are ready to get started with carrier screening we have made this process extremely easy for you and your doctor.

Once you have obtained the requisition form we do require a signature from your physician. This can be your family doctor or fertility specialist. Once the forms are completed, simply return them to Meaghan to initiate the rest of the process.

Booking your initial consultation

Simply click on the booking link below to book your reproductive genetic counselling appointment with Meaghan.


60MIN - $350 + HST

In this 60min session you will spend time talking about your medical history, how carrier screening works, and how it might be the right fit for you. If you have a partner, they are welcome to join on the call. If you are working with a donor or have inquiries about donor selection Meaghan can explore this with you as well.