Ashley Martin
My name is Ashley and I am a she/her.
I am a multiracial (Black, White & Metis descent) Endo/Adeno warrior woman who was born and raised in Southwestern Ontario.
At the age of 11 I had my first period and that's when the pain really started. My doctor at the time did not take my pain seriously and I could not get myself referred to a specialist despite multiple requests.
I moved to Toronto at the age of 24 and this is when my life started to change for the better. I was referred to a new family doctor who finally referred me to a gynecologist!
My gynecologist referred me to an Endometriosis specialist and I was finally diagnosed with Stage IV Endometriosis in September 2015 at the age of 28! My Adenomyosis diagnosis came 5 years later.
After my Adenomyosis diagnosis I decided I needed to find a community to connect with and start sharing my story, which is when I started my YouTube channel: Navigating Endo with Ashley.
I look forward to continuing my journey of advocating for health and being a voice for invisible illnesses.