Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating disease with core symptoms of fatigue, restless sleep, post-exertional malaise (PEM) and cognitive dysfunction for more than 6 months. The more frequently studied causes are immunological, psychological/psychosocial, viral, and neuroendocrine/hormone/metabolic.

A lot of medical management for chronic fatigue includes coping: coping with pain and other symptoms, coping with movement, coping with society, and preventing depression.

At Femade, we understand that ME/CFS is not an invisible illness that is often treated through mechanical movement. we are cautious of the patient’s limits and work directly on reducing debilitating symptoms to improve quality of life. Our approach to me/cfs treatment includes:

Acupuncture for ME/CFS Ottawa

Acupuncture for ME/CFS

To bring the patient any sort of reprieve we would focus on the symptoms of debilitation such as sleep, fatigue and cognitive impairments. These can be assessed and achieved through acupuncture. As always, we focus on the origin of the problem. For example, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia have different manifestations of the same root problem so we would treat them the same. That being said, CFS treatment is always individualized.

Massage for ME/CFS Ottawa

Massage therapy for ME/CFS

Based entirely on the patient’s tolerance, massage therapy can be a very useful tool for ME/CFS. Massage at a low intensity has shown to improve the symptoms of ME/CFS, increase sleep quality and mental health associated with ME/CFS.

Naturopath for ME/CFS Ottawa

naturopathic medicine for me/cfs

From a naturopathic medicine perspective we would be looking to see if the patient’s sleep quality could be improved using natural agents and dietary changes. ME/CFS treatment would also include looking at the patient’s blood work to see if the more sedentary lifestyle is impacting organ and systems functionality and would work toward providing more care to the body.

Psychotherapy for ME/CFS Ottawa

Psychotherapy for ME/CFS

For those with ME/CFS we put a huge emphasis on mental coping mechanisms and suggest that patients seeking a community (through our virtual social support groups), one-on-one sessions through our Peer Support, or more structured counseling through our Psychotherapist. Psychotherapy can be used to better address the triggers in your life that bring on these symptoms. Learning how to deal with stress and stressful situations, getting out of the routine, and understanding how your body works are very important lessons in coping with digestive issues. Psychotherapy is a well studied treatment for understanding and changing behaviours associated with eating disorders. Therapy can be done in a more formal setting such as with our psychotherapist, or in a more informal setting with our Mental Health Support Worker who is completely unbiased. We also offer community based therapy to immerse yourself with similar people.

Not sure where to start?

If you’re not sure where to start, consider a health consult with our clinical director and founder. We can take it from there.